
Innovative Ideas
Through Collaboration.

Our Values


Enriching, creative environment

We believe in celebrating our people and our accomplishments, and we deliberately make space for creative exploration. Inspiration is like a lightning strike - it can come from anyone at any time! Nurturing this creative environment is how we create the right conditions for lightning to strike.


Community engagement

Each neighborhood we work in is unique. Our singular focus - obsession really - is to find the design solution that is right for the client, right for the space, right for the community. Our design process flows from our work with the client and the community, as well as our research.



We harness the diverse backgrounds of our team in our work to build inclusive spaces that make a difference. We like to say we have "no maestros, but many leaders:" we work together with enthusiasm and respect, and all take responsibility for making the firm and our work better every day.



Part of what makes us a great team is the unwavering respect we have for each other as colleagues. We encourage each other to be creatively bold and trust in the many talented people we have at RODE to provide guidance and balance. Our collaboration style works because we are all fully approachable at any time.