157 W Springfield St.

Courageous Contrast

Contemporary future rises from a rich past



South End, Boston

Completion Date





Ebenezer Development, LLC


Mike DelleFave

Katya Stassen

Anna Arnot

Eric Robinson



The Ebenezer Baptist Church, located at 157 West Springfield Street, is a the transformation of a historic structure into nine residential units with parking, bike storage, new green space, and private open space. Designed in 1860, the Church served as a house of worship for more than 130 years. In the 1950s it was a key location for numerous civil rights rallies and is designated as a black heritage site within the South End Landmarks District. Our aim for the project is to deliver an architectural intervention that will be contemporary yet respectful to the existing structure. We will achieve this through complementary contract of obeying the existing structural rhythm and simplicity of original structure. The new design is intended to evoke timelessness through simple form and materiality. The restoration and addition is a moment in time of a structure that will carry on for the next 130 years.

The design addresses the needs of the existing building as well as the integration of a new addition atop the original structure. The existing brickwork will be restored; the deteriorating stucco will be removed from the façade; and the front gardens will be revitalized, making room for a memorial dedicated to the Church’s Congregations of the past. In addition to these improvements, a new entryway canopy and new windows and doors will be added, inspired by those original to the building. The roof addition will use glossy high-pressure laminate and metal panels to create a subtle extension of the original form that seamlessly blends into the surrounding landscape.

The new design will successfully restore the historic building to its original beauty through thoughtful façade improvements, street level enhancements to the pedestrian zone, and a roof addition that respects and compliments the original structure in both fit and form

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We approached the project "restoration first," by restoring the buildings facade, windows, gardens and stoops.